2022 TotalEnergies Li-Ning Li Yongbo Cup 3V3 Tournament kicks off, creating an upsurge of badminton interest
Chinese version below
The TotalEnergies Li-Ning Li Yongbo Cup 3V3 Tournament 2022 season has kicked off in late June. As China's benchmark badminton tournament for non-professionals, the 3V3 badminton tournament has been successfully held for 13 consecutive seasons. This year also marks the 6th consecutive year that Li-Ning and TotalEnergies, the title sponsor of the tournament, have partnered to hold a 3V3 badminton tournament, and the new season is expected to, once again, launch a strong badminton boom nationwide. The 2022 tournament will tour 21 major cities across China over the next five months, amassing topnotch badminton enthusiasts from all over the country to compete.
The new season launch press conference was successfully held at the Beijing Li-Ning Center on June 22, 2022. Mr. QIAN Wei, Co-CEO of Li-Ning Group, Mr. REN Maocheng, General Manager of Li-Ning Badminton Business Unit, Ms. LI Zhujun, Marketing Director of Li-Ning Badminton Business Unit, Mr. Stephane DION, Managing Director of Total Lubricants (China) Co., Ltd., Title Partner of the event, Mr. Fabrice CAREME, Senior Vice President of Retail Operation and Ms. Daphne WU, Senior Vice President of HR and Internal Communications of TotalEnergies (China) Investment Co., Ltd., local badminton elites, and badminton enthusiasts participated in the press conference that was livestreamed online. At the press conference, not only was the newly upgraded competition format and equipment announced, badminton world champions ----- FU Haifeng, ZHANG Ning, CHEN Long, XU Chen and WANG Xin were also invited to take part in an exhibition tournament with the younger generation players from Beijing’s badminton team to kick off the event.

TotalEnergies reaffirms continued support and applauds the launch of the event
As the title sponsor of the tournament, TotalEnergies has been supporting the 3V3 badminton tournament for six consecutive years. Speaking about TotalEnergies' continued contribution to badminton and 3V3 events, Mr. Stephane DION, Managing Director of Total Lubricants China, said in his speech: "Our support to the TotalEnergies Li-Ning Li Yongbo Cup 3V3 badminton tournament aims to not only enrich people's recreational lives, but also to inspire their vitality and fighting spirit through the sport. We hope to encourage everyone to maintain an optimistic and positive attitude towards life in the face of difficulties. Our tournament slogan ‘3V3, more than a game’ represents our continued transmission of the spirit of badminton - performance, precision and endurance. This is also the driving force behind TotalEnergies's resolve in supporting 3V3 badminton tournaments and promoting the development of the badminton sport."

Live stream from Mr. Stephane Dion, Managing Director, Total Lubricants China
3V3 has become the leading amateur tournament brand in China, in terms of tournament scale, number of participants as well as spread and influence. Mr. QIAN Wei, Co-CEO of Li-Ning Group, especially thanked LI Yongbo, founder of the 3V3 Event, for bringing such an enthralling badminton event to everyone. He said, "While we pursue technology innovation and the development of professional sports products, we also persist in creating and unearthing the unique charm and exclusive culture of badminton. This is because we firmly believe that 'getting more people to like sports' is the corporate responsibility and obligation of a professional sports brand."

Mr. Qian Wei, Co-CEO of Li-Ning (China) Sporting Goods Co.
Brand new tournament systemto promote national fitness and encourage healthy lives
The 2022 3V3 badminton tournament has been enhanced in terms of the tournament system, interactive participation of all people and the design of the tournament merchandise. People from different cities, age groups, professions and sporting habits can all participate and enjoy the experience of this online-offline hybrid badminton event. This year’s tournament will also introduce new merchandise and upgraded tournament products that provide an elevated user experience through the use of advanced technology.

Igniting the enthusiasm for badminton in this new tournament season
The first stop of the 2022 TotalEnergies Li-Ning Li Yongbo Cup 3V3 Tournament kicked off in the ancient capital city of Xi'an on June 25-26. World Champion FU Haifeng sparred with local badminton fans to thunderous cheers from the audience, marking the official launch of the new 3V3 season in 2022.Over the next five months, the tournament shall tour 20 other major cities across the nation, bringing together badminton lovers from all over the country to compete, generating an upsurge of badminton interest once again.
In addition to sponsoring the TotalEnergies Li-Ning Li Yongbo Cup 3V3 Badminton Tournament, TotalEnergies is alsoTitle Sponsor and Official Lubricants Partner of Badminton World Federation (BWF) Major Championships, and is committed to energizing lives and communities through badminton.

道达尔能源·李宁李永波杯3V3羽毛球赛2022新赛季已于六月下旬拉开帷幕,作为中国国内业余羽毛球届的标杆赛事,3V3 赛事已连续成功举办13届,今年也是李宁与赛事冠名合作伙伴 ---- 道达尔能源连续第6年携手举办3V3赛事。在接下来的五个月中,赛事将在全国21个中心城市逐步展开,来自全国各地的羽林高手将会再次相聚3V3赛场,共同掀起一波羽球热潮。
新赛季启动发布会已于2022年6月22日在北京李宁中心顺利举行。李宁集团联席CEO钱炜、羽毛球事业部总经理任茂成、市场总监李竹筠,赛事冠名合作伙伴 - 道达尔润滑油(中国)有限公司董事总经理帝龙先生 (Mr. Stephane DION) ,道达尔能源(中国)投资有限责任公司油品零售业务高级副总裁范睿思先生(Mr. Fabrice CAREME),人事及内部沟通高级副总裁吴思敏女士以及大众媒体、各地羽团精英、广大羽毛球爱好者以 “云见面” 方式参与了本次线上发布会。本次发布会不仅公布了2022年全新升级的赛制与装备,更邀请到了傅海峰、张宁、谌龙、徐晨、汪鑫等羽坛黄金一代球员与北京队年轻一代球员进行表演赛,为新一年的3V3羽毛球赛事启动倾情献礼。
持续助力 - 道达尔能源为赛事启动喝彩
作为赛事冠名合作伙伴,道达尔能源已经连续六年助力3V3赛事。谈到道达尔能源对羽毛球运动和3V3赛事的持续助力,道达尔润滑油中国董事总经理帝龙先生 (Mr. Stephane DION) 在发言中表示:” 我们助力道达尔能源·李宁李永波杯3V3羽毛球赛不仅仅是为了丰富大家的文娱生活,更是希望通过羽毛球运动的魅力,激发大家的活力和斗志,鼓励大家在困难面前保持乐观、昂扬的生活态度。正如我们的赛事口号 — 3V3,不止是一场比赛,它更代表着我们对羽毛球精神 — 表现力,精准度和持久力的持续传递;这也正是道达尔能源坚持助力3V3赛事,推动羽毛球运动发展的动力所在。”
全新赛制 - 推动全民体育,享受健康生活
6月25日至26日,2022道达尔能源李宁3V3赛事首站在古都西安盛大开启,世界冠军傅海峰亲临现场,与西安的众多羽毛球爱好者一起比拼技艺,现场如雷的欢呼与呐喊,标志着2022年 3V3新赛季的全面启动。在接下来的五个月时间里,3V3赛事将陆续走遍全国其他20个城市,吸引来自各地的羽毛球爱好者,共同参与见证这场羽球盛会。
About Total Lubricants China
Total Lubricants (China) Co. Ltd. (TLC) is an affiliate of broad energy Group TotalEnergies. TLC has been a major supplier of lubricants in China for more than 20 years with headquarters in Shanghai. With more than 510 employees in China, TLC is committed to providing quality service to customers through three lubricant production plants and an efficient national supply chain.
About TotalEnergies
TotalEnergies is a broad energy company that produces and markets energies on a global scale: oil and biofuels, natural gas and green gases, renewables and electricity.
Our 105,000 employees are committed to energy that is ever more affordable, clean, reliable and accessible to as many people as possible.
Active in more than 130 countries, TotalEnergies puts sustainable development in all its dimensions at the heart of its projects and operations to contribute to the well-being of people.
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