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Litter cleanup

Cleaning up our waterways

TotalEnergies Singapore works with the Waterways Watch Society to clean up our waterways, contributing individually to the environment, while cultivating their sense of environment stewardship.

In June 2022, some 130 employees from our Singapore Lubricants Blending Plant rowed kayaks, got on pedal boats, cycled and walked to clean up along the Marina reservoir waterways.

Over the years, through our regular partnership with Waterways Watch Society, our employee volunteers have collected over a 100kg of trash from the waterways and look forward to doing more!

Waterways Watch Society

Waterways Watch Society

Waterways Watch Society (WWS) is a non-governmental and non-profit environmental organisation, committed to foster appreciation and promote conservation of our environment, especially the waterways in Singapore.

Global Cleanup Challenge

TotalEnergies is a global founding member of the Alliance to End Plastic Waste.

As part of a three-week “TotalEnergies Singapore All Together Global Cleanup Challenge” in 2020, our employees collected litter and uploaded images to Litterati, an app that uses Artificial Intelligence to build a database of amount and types of litter found over the world, used to identify pollution sources and solutions.

Alliance to End Plastic Waste

Alliance to End Plastic Waste

AEPW focus on enhancing waste management capacity and capability by improving collection, sorting, processing, and recycling systems, especially in underserved regions.

Our achievements

Our total contributions through Waterways Watch Society and Alliance to End Plastic Waste since 2020.

  • >200
    kg of waste collected
  • >450
  • Reducing food waste

    Since 2021, over 50 employees from TotalEnergies in Singapore have volunteered at The Food Bank to help in the organization’s operations, which aims to end food insecurity by salvaging excess food and redistributing them to beneficiaries.

    The Food Bank Singapore

    The Food Bank Singapore

    The Food Bank Singapore sources and rescues more than 800,000 kilograms of food annually for our network of beneficiary organisations. The food distributed is vital for various food relief efforts such as community pantries, emergency food rations delivery and daily meal programmes.

    Promoting sustainable living practices

    TotalEnergies partners Zero Waste SG to promote sustainable living practices among employees.

    Zero Waste SG

    Zero Waste SG leads the drive towards zero waste in Singapore through education and advocacy, focusing on engaging the public and corporates on the 3Rs (Reduce, Reuse and Recycle).

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