Press release

道达尔能源在中国成立创新实验室,助推“可持续出行”发展 TotalEnergies inaugurates new innovation lab in China to accelerate sustainable future mobility

English translated version below.

天津,2023年7月21日 — 道达尔润滑油中国创新实验室正式揭幕成立。该实验室座落于道达尔润滑油天津工厂内,配备了先进科技仪器和尖端技术专家,旨在研发针对中国市场的新一代电动车流体,以满足混合动力和纯电动汽车领域不断变化的行业需求。

Ting Wee and Anne-Solange on stage at Total Lubricants China Innovation Lab inauguration ceremony


TotalEnergies members at ribbon cutting ceremony for Total Lubricants China Innovation Lab inauguration ceremony

道达尔能源亚太及中东区营销与服务总裁梁定伟先生(Mr. Ting Wee LIANG)为创新实验室的揭幕,并与员工一同庆祝这一里程碑时刻。

Ting Wee speaking at Total Lubricants China Innovation Lab inauguration ceremony

道达尔能源(中国)投资有限公司总裁安颂岚女士(Ms. Anne-Solange RENOUARD)表示:“这一创新实验室的成立将推动我们进一步加强研发智慧出行产品和解决方案。我们非常期待与整车制造厂商、客户和合作伙伴们保持长期的密切合作,支持客户从传统内燃机向电动汽车产品转型。”


group photo at innovation lab
TotalEnergies members watching a demonstration at innovation lab



group photo at inauguration ceremony of Total Lubricants China innovation lab


Tianjin, July 21, 2023 – TotalEnergies inaugurates a new innovation lab within its lubricants production plant in Tianjin. With state-of-the-art technologies and technical expertise, the lab aims to develop next generation EV fluids tailored for the Chinese market to meet evolving industry requirements of hybrid and electric vehicles.

The proximity of its laboratory and the production facilities will facilitate faster implementation of new technologies as well as formulas development and testing. The plant produces high performance lubricants, fluids and greases.

The lab was inaugurated by Ting Wee LIANG, President, Marketing & Services, TotalEnergies Asia-Pacific & Middle East, who celebrated the key milestone with participants and employees.

‘The opening of this innovation lab presents us with opportunities to further strengthen research & development of new mobility products and solutions. We are excited to forge stronger collaboration with long-standing local OEMs, customers and partners to support the transition from internal combustion engine (ICE) to electric vehicle,’ said Anne-Solange RENOUARD, President, TotalEnergies (China) Investment Co. Ltd.

TotalEnergies has three EV fluid product lines for different vehicle types: Quartz EV Fluid for hybrid and electric cars, Hi-Perf EV Fluid for electric motorcycles, and Rubia EV Fluid for heavy duty electric vehicles and buses.

The company was the first lubricant manufacturer to launch a full range of products dedicated to hybrid and electric vehicles in 2018 during the 17th CTI Symposium in Berlin. In China, TotalEnergies has developed high-performance EV fluids for dedicated Plug-in Hybrid Electric Vehicle (PHEV) and Battery Electric Vehicle (BEV) platforms, with unique efficiency and thermal management properties to help the electrification of the market.

With its ambition of becoming net zero together with the society by 2050, TotalEnergies continues to invest in new mobility and sustainable energies in China. These include EV charging joint venture with China Three Gorges, co-development of new generation EV fluids with OEMs like GWM and LiXiang, solar energy joint venture with Envision and active development of offshore wind projects in the region.


道达尔润滑油(中国)有限公司是多元化能源公司道达尔能源的子公司,总部位于上海,在华拥有超过500名员工,三家润滑油调配厂和一个润滑脂工厂,同时 运营着覆盖全国的物流网络。经过20余年的发展,道达尔润滑油中国已经成为中国润滑油市场主要供应商之一。



